Auto Accident/ Whiplash Injury

Chiropractic care is a valuable and non-invasive treatment option for individuals who have experienced auto accidents and suffer from injuries resulting from those accidents. Auto accidents can cause many problems for the individuals involved, including whiplash, sprain/strain of the lower and mid back or neck, numbness or pain in the arms and legs, headaches, or pain with specific movements. Chiropractic care’s holistic approach puts an emphasis on restoring the normal function of joints injured in auto accidents.

At River Valley Chiropractic we take a comprehensive and individualized approach to care for those individuals who are in auto accidents. Our chiropractors perform a thorough assessment to understand the unique circumstances of each patient’s injury and create a personalized plan of action. We can combine adjustments, stretches, rehabilitative exercises, dry-needling, and massage therapy to not only alleviate pain, but also to get them back to functioning as they did prior to the injury. We work hard to restore proper mobility with a focus on minimizing the risk of chronic problems arising from injuries due to the auto accident. The care at River Valley Chiropractic is a valuable option to those individuals that are seeking an effective and drug-free solution to the injuries they sustained from an auto accident.