At River Valley Chiropractic we enjoy providing individualized care for our patients. Our chiropractors and massage therapists are trained in multiple methods which allow us to provide the appropriate care for each patient, ranging from our tenderest newborns, to the active family, to our retired snow birds, and everyone in between. We utilize hydraulically controlled chiropractic and massage tables that are designed to afford all patients a pain free transition on and off the table.
Chiropractic Care
Our chiropractors focus on restoring the body’s natural movement. We first assess the area by gauging what motion is lacking. Then with adjustments and rehab exercises, work to restore the body’s natural motion.
Unlike many chiropractors, we don’t dictate a set schedule of visits. Instead, we make recommendations based on your personal healing or wellness process. We won’t pressure you to see us more often than you are comfortable with, financially or physically.
Chiropractic care can help patients with:
Neck, Mid Back, and Low Back Pain
Disc Problems/Bulge
Sciatic Pain
Pinched Nerve
Numbness in Hands and Feet
Joint Issues
Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, and Finger Pain/Problems
Rehabilitation Post Injury
Hip, Knee, Ankle, and Foot Pain/Problems
TMJ Dysfunction
Rib Problems
Acid Reflux
Ear Infections
Bed Wetting
Maintenance/Wellness Care to Stay Ahead of Problems
Treatments we offer include:
Spinal Demonstration using models
Cervical Adjustments
Activator Method of Spinal adjustment
EMS Stimulation (Electrical Muscle Stimulation)
Pediatric Care
Body Drummer
Thoracic Spine Adjustments
Side Posture Adjustments
Back Adjustments
Extremity Adjustments
Many patients don’t realize that we treat wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, feet and ankles. Just as the spine can get shifted or stuck, so can any joint in your body. Our chiropractors are trained to identify and help restore the motion of those extremity joints.
Massage Therapy
your comfort
is our focus.
It’s no secret that massage helps people relax and reduce stress. Massage therapy can also help relieve headaches, fibromyalgia, insomnia, and chronic pain. Physicians, chiropractors, and physical therapists are recommending massage as an effective component for treating all kinds of pain and health conditions without the use of prescription drugs or surgery—especially when combined with routine chiropractic care.
Some patients choose to do just massage, but many of our patients do massage and chiropractic care in conjunction, because they find longer lasting benefits with those services paired together.
Nutrition Coaching
Nutrition Support and counseling
We take a simple, sensible approach to helping patients achieve maintainable nutritional health. Everyone’s goals are different, and we take an individualized approach to nutritional needs, staying away from cookie cutter approaches and fad diets.
At River Valley Chiropractic we offer a selection of nutrition supplements and other health enhancing products we have personally tested and found beneficial.
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